Thursday, April 20, 2006

DaVinci Code: The Truth Behind the Fiction - Part 7

DaVinci Code Part 7 - More External Evidence

It’s been ten days since my last DaVinci Blog. I promised that we would “address the power of the Bible” as an evidence of its divine origins. So, we’ll take a look at this subject in today’s blog and then move on to new issues relating to the DaVinci Code. The following are well-known defenses for the inspiration of the Bible. The reason they’re so “tried” is because they’re so “true.” In many ways though these points will likely serve only to encourage the Christ follower and do little to compel the skeptic.

First, the Spirit uses God’s Word to convict men of sin. The verse that most profoundly relates the power of the Spirit of God to convict men through biblical text is Hebrews 4:12: “For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.” The Bible continues to be a tool used by His Spirit to convict men of their sin and compel them to submit to His rule in their life. I have served God as an evangelist and pastor for twelve years and I’m astonished at the power of the Word to convict people of their sin. I have had one-on-one conversations with hundreds and hundreds of people over the past twelve years about Jesus Christ. I can say with conviction that there is nothing more compelling to the heart of man than the Word of God recited in conversation. Men surrender to the weight of the Truth recorded in the Bible. The Word of God becomes a mirror for people to see themselves as they really are - sinners in need of a Savior. (This is why it is vitally important that Christ followers become intimate with the text. Paul tells us we must be prepared to give a defense for the hope that lies within us.)

That brings me to my second defense: the Spirit uses the Word of God to free men from sin. In other words, the revelation of salvation from God through Jesus Christ is present only in the Bible. The Word of God reveals to all people the way to forgiveness from sin, eternal life in communion with God, and abundant life while it is still today! I preached at a prison in Texas in 1997 and after the service a prisoner came up to me. I thought he was going to thank me for my sermon as others had done but he had a very different message FOR ME. He said, “I read the gospel of John last night and realized that Jesus was my Savior – MY Savior. He showed me that even though I was in prison for life, I was a free man…I’m a FREE man.” This man was set free by God through the reading of the Truth in the gospel of John.

No other book in history has exerted so much power on humankind than the Bible.

We’re going to move on in my next blog to the topic of Mary Magdalene and her relationship to Jesus, here importance as a follower of Christ, and whether or not she was married to Jesus.

I want to remind all my readers that you have the opportunity to leave comments on each blog and many of you do so. There are currently over seventy comments in my blog library that you can review and you can even leave comments about the comments! Just go to the bottom of the blog you’re interested in and see if there are any comments recorded. You will see something like “3 comments” or “0 comments.” If there is a number next to “comments,” just click on “comments” and scroll to the bottom of the next page to see the comments that have been posted.

Finally, the DaVinci Code sermon series will begin at Frontline on May 21st and continue through June 4th. So, let your friends at work know that this would be a great time to visit Frontline!

Until my next blog…

Carpe Deum! (Seize God!)
Todd Phillips

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