Tuesday, March 14, 2006

DaVinci Code: The Truth Behind the Fiction - Part 2

I have some exciting "inside information" just for my blog subscribers. As I wrote several days ago, I told you that I would be writing several blogs in response to the DaVinci Code movie that opens May 19th in theaters around the world. Here's the scoop: Lon Solomon, the senior pastor of McLean Bible Church (http://www.mcleanbible.org/), and I are doing a three week sermon series called "Cracking the DaVinci Code." Lon and I will each create our own messages but all three messages will have the same title and the same subject matter. The titles and the order (to date) of the messages are:
Truth 1: The Resurrection Settles It All
Truth 2: The Bible Has No Political Agenda
Truth 3: Christianity Is the Best Friend Woman Ever Had

Message One will show that the resurrection of Christ Settles the matter not only of His deity (which DaVinci Code falsely claims was a later fabrication of the church) but the resurrection settles the matter of our personal sinfulness.

Message Two will show that the Bible as it exists today is the exact compilation of writings that God ordained to be in the Canon. This refutes the false claim of The DaVinci Code that the current content of the Bible is a result of the Roman Emperor Consantine's political efforts to create a state sanctioned religion for the Romans rather than a book divinely compiled by God and His people.

Message Three will show that Christianity is, above all other major religions, a friend to women. This message will counter the false claim that the early Christian church successfully hid the true role of women in both Christ's early followers as well as the first century church. Dan Brown's claim in his novel that Jesus was married grows from these false perspectives of the early church.

I hope you are able to see how this three week series will be a perfect series for your unchurched friends! Remember, begin to think now who you will invite to the series. Begin to pray now for God to use this series to bring many young Washingtonians to Frontline and ultimately into a personal relationship with Jesus.

On May 19 everyone will be talking about Jesus and asking questions about him. Will you be ready?

Carpe Deum! (Seize God!)
Todd Phillips

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