Friday, March 03, 2006


I think one of the most misunderstood terms in Christian culture today is "Evangelical" (or Evangelicalism). Some of you may be thinking, "If this is the stuff Todd's going to write about, I'm out!" But, stay with me on this one. I think it's worth the read.

Here we go. Evangelicalism does not have the same meaning as evangelism. Evangelism is simply the act of preaching or sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ (the Gospel). So, if a church calls itself evangelistic they are trying to describe themselves as a body of believers that constantly shares the gospel in everything that they say and do both as a community of faith and as individual believers in the world.

Evangelicalism on the other hand is a term that has been used historically to describe churches who believe and follow a core set of beliefs. These core beliefs are:
1. God provided only one way for us to be forgiven and that is through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
2. The Bible is the inspired Word of God Himself and in this way is a totally unique work in all of history.
3. All persons must be converted or "born again" through Christ's saving work on the cross to have a relationship with God and be forgiven of sins.
4. Believers are commanded by God to encourage non-believers to become believers in Christ (Evangelism).

Therefore, churches who adhere to these beliefs (like McLean Bible Church and Frontline) are evangelical churches. Also, as you've probably figured out already, every evangelical church is evangelistic, but not every church that is evangelistic is evangelical. Confused yet?

Now that you've suffered through Christian History class with me I'm going to give you the rest of the story. I'm going to let you in on why this is all so important to you and me. Bottom line - we all need to know what we believe and why we believe it. I don't have the time to tell you why these four core beliefs are so important but I can tell you that if you attend MBC or Frontline or any other church that considers itself an evangelical church then these four beliefs make up the very DNA of your church and should make up your spiritual DNA as well.

As an evangelical believer, we are to live our lives under the authority of the Bible, knowing that God provided one way to Him - Jesus Christ. Knowing and believing Jesus is the only way to salvation should remind us daily of the wonderful, unmerited gift we received when we started our personal relationship with Jesus, and compel us to share Jesus with others who don't yet know Him personally. Our lives are to be defined and directed by these core beliefs. As a believer, do you allow the Truth and instruction in the Bible to drive the decisions you make every day? Do you believe Christ is the only way to a relationship with God? Do you share your belief in Christ with others?

Ask yourself if you subscribe to the four core beliefs of evangelicalism. If you agree with them make sure you know why you do. Paul reminds us to give a defense of the things we believe. Can you defend your beliefs? If you question one or more of the four core beliefs, ask the same question - why? Allow these uncertainties to challenge you to find the answers. Seize this opportunity to define and deepen your faith trusting that God has promised to guide you into all truth!

Carpe Deum! (Seize God!)
Todd Phillips

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