Saturday, April 07, 2007

Lead Now/Fusion Conference

I’ve talked about the following conference from the stage at Frontline over the past few weeks but I wanted to give you some more detailed info about it. The name of the conference is Lead Now. It starts on Thursday May 3rd and ends on Saturday May 5th. I’m asking all Frontliners who are in any leadership role to attend the entire conference. Lead Now is the only leadership training that we will offer for Frontline at large because we believe it’s the best training available in 2007 for Frontline leaders. Your time at this conference will be very fruitful. The details are below. Please be sure to go to the Lead Now Conferences web site to get all the info: (BUT DON’T REGISTER ON THE LEAD NOW SITE! WE HAVE VERY DISCOUNTED TICKETS ON OUR FRONTLINE SITE…INFO ON REGISTRATION IS BELOW.)

What: Lead Now Leaders Conference
When: May 3-5, 2007
Where: McLean Bible Church
Why: Leadership Training for young adult church leaders
How: Keynote and breakout sessions on a myriad of relevant topics
Cost: $99 for Fronliners ONLY (regular price is $299); register at (in “Features” section)
Web site:
IMPORTANT: If you register for Lead Now, you are also automatically registered for the Fusion Experience described below.

I know many of you are not currently in leadership. For you, there is a special Fusion Experience starting Friday Evening May 4 and ending Saturday May 5. I’d love to see all Frontliners at this part of the event. The Fusion Experience details are below. Please be sure to go to the Fusion Conferences site to gat all the info: (BUT DON’T REGISTER ON THE LEAD NOW SITE! WE HAVE VERY DISCOUNTED TICKETS ON OUR FRONTLINE SITE…INFO ON REGISTRATION IS BELOW.)

What: Fusion Experience
When: May 4-5, 2007
Where: McLean Bible Church
Why: Learn how to ignite your faith into action for God
How: Keynote, breakout session and worship times
Cost: $20 for Frontliners ONLY (regular price is $49); register at (in “Features” section)

As a leader at Frontline, if you are unable to get time off from work to attend the entire Lead Now conference please pray about attending the Fusion experience! If you have any questions about the conferences please respond to this blog or email me directly at Let’s learn together how God wants each of us to change the world for one last time!

Lead Now/Fusion Conference

I’ve talked about the following conference from the stage at Frontline over the past few weeks but I wanted to give you some more detailed info about it. The name of the conference is Lead Now. It starts on Thursday May 3rd and ends on Saturday May 5th. I’m asking all Frontliners who are in any leadership role to attend the entire conference. Lead Now is the only leadership training that we will offer for Frontline at large because we believe it’s the best training available in 2007 for Frontline leaders. Your time at this conference will be very fruitful. The details are below. Please be sure to go to the Lead Now Conferences web site to get all the info: (BUT DON’T REGISTER ON THE LEAD NOW SITE! WE HAVE VERY DISCOUNTED TICKETS ON OUR FRONTLINE SITE…INFO ON REGISTRATION IS BELOW.)

What: Lead Now Leaders Conference
When: May 3-5, 2007
Where: McLean Bible Church
Why: Leadership Training for young adult church leaders
How: Keynote and breakout sessions on a myriad of relevant topics
Cost: $99 for Fronliners ONLY (regular price is $299); register at (in “Features” section)
Web site:
IMPORTANT: If you register for Lead Now, you are also automatically registered for the Fusion Experience described below.

I know many of you are not currently in leadership. For you, there is a special Fusion Experience starting Friday Evening May 4 and ending Saturday May 5. I’d love to see all Frontliners at this part of the event. The Fusion Experience details are below. Please be sure to go to the Fusion Conferences site to gat all the info: (BUT DON’T REGISTER ON THE LEAD NOW SITE! WE HAVE VERY DISCOUNTED TICKETS ON OUR FRONTLINE SITE…INFO ON REGISTRATION IS BELOW.)

What: Fusion Experience
When: May 4-5, 2007
Where: McLean Bible Church
Why: Learn how to ignite your faith into action for God
How: Keynote, breakout session and worship times
Cost: $20 for Frontliners ONLY (regular price is $49); register at (in “Features” section)

As a leader at Frontline, if you are unable to get time off from work to attend the entire Lead Now conference please pray about attending the Fusion experience! If you have any questions about the conferences please respond to this blog or email me directly at Let’s learn together how God wants each of us to change the world for one last time!

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

New Book Release!

Blog family,

I just published a new book called “GET UNCOMFORTABLE: Serve the Poor. Stop Injustice. Change the World…In Jesus’ name.” I received my first copy in the mail yesterday and I’m thrilled with it!

Of the books and articles I’ve written, this is by far the most significant work God has allowed me to do. You can look at the front and back cover of the book, the entire table of contents, and read the complete first chapter online at the:


This is a great study to be used with your small group or Sunday School class at your church.

In addition to the study itself, the publisher put a lot of time and effort in creating a Leader’s Kit to go with the study guide. The Leader’s Kit includes a DVD of video content that goes along with the study. There is also a CD with Christian songs having to do with the topics of poverty and injustice from popular Christian artists. The study is fully interactive: questions in each chapter, video and audio and discussion questions for your group.

You can see the content of the Leader’s Kit at:


I hope you’ll take the time to read the book and consider it for any Bible Study, small group, or Sunday School Class that you attend. And, please leave me comments with your thoughts about the book. I pray that this book will mobilize thousands of young adults to take action in Jesus’ name and help to change the world for maybe one last time!

Carpe Deum! (Seize God!)

Todd Phillips

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Abortion Part 6

These following questions go hand-in-hand and they also bring us to where the emotional rubber meets the road for most people and I completely understand why. However, the Bible actually has much to say about the value of all life, even unborn life, as we have seen throughout the past blogs.

Question #5: Should we allow abortion in the case of rape or incest?

First, I think we should look at the statistics of why women have abortions (These statistics are given by the research arm of Planned Parenthood and are several years old, but all research indicates that these statistics stay relatively consistent from year to year):
- 76% concerned by how the baby would change their life.
- 68% said they could not afford a baby right now.
- 51% problems with relationships or desire to avoid single parenthood.
- 31% I am not ready for the responsibility
- 31% I don’t want people to know that I have had sex or that I’m pregnant.
- 30% Not mature enough
- 26% Have all the children I want or my kids are grown
- 23% my husband or partner wants me to have the abortion
- 13% The fetus could have health problems
- 7% I have a health problem
- 7% My parents want me to have the abortion
- 1% victim of rape or incest
You might rightly ask at this point, “So, what about the one percent who are victims of rape or incest?” I answer with a passage from Deuteronomy 24:16: Fathers shall not be put to death for their children, nor children be put to death for their fathers; each is to die for his own sin. Sin in the life of a father (i.e. a man raping a woman causing her to become pregnant) has no bearing on the child according to Scripture. As heinous as acts of rape or incest are, these sins do not in any way devalue the life that results! Which one of you after finding out that your father forced himself on your mother in conceiving you would conclude that your life is unworthy of being lived?

Question #6: Should we allow abortion when the pregnancy or birth may cause harm to the mother?

The issue of harm to the mother follows the same logic that I offered in question #5 above. The law currently states that a woman can have an abortion in the first three months of pregnancy for any reason when there is agreement between the woman and the doctor. Then, in the second three months the state usually controls where the abortion will happen. A woman can still have an abortion for any reason but it must happen at a hospital. In the final three months are usually only allowed in order to protect the life or health of the mother. This seems to limit the mother’s ability to have an abortion in the third trimester until we look at what the legal definition is of “protecting the health of the mother:” any factor which might damage the woman physically, socially, or psychologically.” The word “might” is enough to make any perceived limitations practically non-existent, but then the law adds the possibility of injury to a woman’s “social or psychological health” as a factor in determining the viability and legality of late-term abortions. So, in practice, the law allows for abortions for any reason and for no reason even in the third trimester.

Dr. C. Everet Coop, the former surgeon general of the United States, said in thirty six years of pediatric practice he did not he did not encounter one single case where the mother’s life was in danger. This helps us understand the miniscule percentage of abortion cases that result from true physical harm to the mother, but again, the question is rightly asked, “So, what about those few mothers who are in danger of serious physical harm or death?” To this question, I answer with a question, “What mother or father of a child would not give their life for their son or daughter?”

Question #7: Should we allow abortion in cases where the child may have severe disabilities?

Women go to their physicians every day in this country, test their unborn baby for Down syndrome, get a positive result back and choose to abort the child. Some would be quick to say, “What if the tests are wrong! What if the baby’s perfectly healthy!” Although this sound to some like a good argument, it is truly beside the point. I ask, “What if the baby is born healthy and three months later he or she is diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy?” Do we euthanize our sick and diseased? No!

In Exodus 4:11, the Lord Himself asks, “Who gave man his mouth? Who makes him deaf or mute? Who gives him sight or makes him blind? Is it not I, the Lord?” We look at disabilities from our human perspective and say “oops.” God, though, never says “oops.” God always has a redemptive purpose in everything that he allows on this earth. Do we trust him?

We label these children with diseases “dis-abled.” How many “abilities” must a human being lack before their life has no value? Deciding which lives have value or are worthy to be lived is a very slippery slope. A person who concludes that any life that inconveniences their life is dispensable is morally bankrupt.

Your turn…

Carpe Deum! (Seize God!)
Todd Phillips

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Abortion Part 5

Question #4 in our abortion series: Is man permitted by God to end life before birth? First let me say that I’m thrilled with those of you who have commented on this blog series and I’m further impressed with those of you who have engaged in dialogue with other readers! This has been my prayer since the inception of this blog – to facilitate healthy dialogue and discussion among the readers! So, let’s continue:

In Exodus 21, we find a very interesting and important passage for our discussion. God is defining penalties for severe crimes among the Israelites:
If men who are fighting hit a pregnant woman and she gives birth prematurely but there is no serious injury, the offender must be fined whatever the woman’s husband demands and the court allows. But if there is serious injury you are to take life for life, (Exodus 21:22-23)
Here we find that an individual is punished in exactly the same manner for killing an unborn child as if they are killing an adult! This is a strong indicator of how God feels toward unborn children.

I want to make the case that we are not permitted to end life before birth by also using a common-sense example to hopefully force the question: What’s the difference? You’ll see what I mean as you read on:

Scenario: Mother A and Mother B become pregnant at exactly the same time. Mother A has her child prematurely but was planning to have an abortion a in only a few days. Three weeks later both mothers decide to end the life of their respective babies. Yet, mother A cannot legally end her child’s life because the child is now outside the womb. Mother B however can end her baby’s life legally for one reason only – the child happens to still be in the womb! Here we have the exact same circumstances, the exact same developmental stage of the child, yet one can be killed and the other cannot. One mother will walk out of the abortion clinic a free woman; the other will be tried for murder.

I want to get you thinking about the next blog as well. I’ll address the issues of rape and incest as well as look at the question of severely disabled babies in the womb. These three issues are often broached in a discussion on abortion and I’ll address them in my next post.

Until then…
Carpe Deum! (Seize God!)

Todd Phillips

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Abortion Part 4

Let’s continue our attempt to answer the top ten questions asked in relation to the topic of abortion. We’ve answered Question #1: “Who’s in charge of life and death?” and #2: “When does life begin?” Today we’ll start with Question #3: “Is God concerned with unborn children?”

I have a rather lengthy but I believe important answer to this question. Both Isaiah and Jeremiah reveal that God has an interest in us not just from conception in the womb but also from conception in His Eternal Mind! We are conceived by God in His own mind from eternity past, eons before we are ever physically conceived in our mother’s womb. In Isaiah 49:1 we read, “Before I was born the Lord called me; form my birth he has made mention of my name.” Then, in Jeremiah 1:5 we read, “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before I was born you set me apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.”

God knows us before we are physically conceived. Some argue here that these quotes from both Isaiah and Jeremiah are nothing more than poetic verse meant only to establish the close relationship that these prophets have with God. Those who see this as nothing more than poetic verse, say that it is figurative language, not to be taken literally. Others will say that this kind of relationship with God was only reserved for a select few men of God such as the prophets Isaiah and Jeremiah. To those who charge that it is only poetic language I simply say that an eternal God has no reason to speak of eternity and of knowledge within that realm in a poetic way. He alone experiences eternity and he alone can speak of it. Who are we to question what we read and assume upon an eternal Being? Who are we to say that these verses must be poetic because we cannot understand such language literally? These types of arguments show a disregard for the potential magnitude of God both in existence, experience, and action. If God is eternal then such language taken literally is completely reasonable.

To those who suggest that these verses describe a relationship with God that only a few great men experienced should rethink such an argument. God does use some men for greater earthly purpose but he says time and time again that he desires that all should be saved and that none should perish! (2 Peter 3:9) Further, he tells us that “before the beginning of time” (Titus 1:2) he gave us the hope of “eternal life” (Titus 1:2) through Jesus Christ. Each of us are made in God’s image and are fearfully and wonderfully made! (Psalm 139) We alone are made in God’s image and in this way we are unique in all of God’s creation. Each one of us then was conceived in the mind of God from eternity past and share with Jeremiah and Isaiah the blessing of these words, “before I formed you in the womb, I knew you.” (Jeremiah 1:5)

So, does God show concern for unborn children? The answer can be summed up is this way: God is not only concerned with children in the womb, he is concerned with every child that has been fashioned in His eternal mind, those in the womb as well as those who, at present, exist as Divine Idea. My contention is that life begins before biological conception. Or, to put it another way, life began for all of us in the mind of God. Science cannot debate such a matter of faith and my conclusions may seem too “out of the box” for even the most mature believers. Scripture, however, bears out my conclusions in spades.

Your thoughts?

Carpe Deum! (Seize God!),
Todd Phillips

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Abortion Part 3

A few days ago I posted a blog attempting to answer the question, “Who's in charge of life and death?" This question is the first of ten questions I’ll answer that are often asked in relation to the abortion debate. Question #2 is – “When does life begin?” The debate over when life begins is actually more relevant to the abortion debate than our first question regarding who’s in charge of life.

So, what is the answer to this important question from a biblical perspective? In Job 31:15 we read, “Did not he [God] who made me in the womb, make them? Did not the same one fashion us in the womb?” Then, in the Book of Psalms, we read,

“For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them cam to be.” (Psalm 139:13-16)

The “secret place” and “the depths of the earth” are references to the womb. We are known by our God in the womb. We are fashioned by Him in that secret place. God’s Word helps us to see that life begins at conception. Scientists are even agreed on the fact that there is a complete genetic package the moment that sperm and egg unite. Nothing from that point is added to the mix except time and nutrition.

Science and medicine also support the idea that life starts at some point in the womb. Fetal medicine has progressed to the point where doctors routinely treat unborn children for certain diseases, perform surgery in utero, and give blood transfusions.

I often hear the argument that brain function should be used to determine when life has ended and yet I have heard little discussion on the possibility of using brain function to determine when life begins. Brain waves are recorded within six weeks after conception. The heart of an unborn child begins to beat around the eighteenth day after conception. So, science and the Bible should be able to agree that we have a living being within at least six weeks after conception. Yet, these facts are ignored.

Finally, we read that Mary, the mother of Jesus, decides to visit Elizabeth, the mother of John the Baptist. When Mary arrives at Elizabeth’s home, John (not yet born) “leaped in her [Elizabeth’s] womb.” (Luke 1:41) We see here that John responds to the fact that Mary and the as yet unborn Jesus have arrived.

We find from the Bible that we are fashioned in the womb by God. We see that all indicators of life even by modern science force us to see life from a very early point in utero. Then, we look again to the Bible to see that John, as an unborn child, responds to the presence of Mary with Jesus in her womb. God and science then should agree that we have life in utero very soon after conception. The idea then of middle or late term abortions is something that the scientific community should be able to agree to even if they cannot bring themselves to agree that life begins at conception. Further, though, we read of God’s connection with all that happens in the womb and cannot find any hint from the biblical text that life begins at come point after conception. We are therefore forced to err on the side of life at conception.

Next time…do we find evidence that God is concerned with children in utero?

Until then…respond to you heart’s content!

Carpe Deum! (Seize God!)
Todd Phillips

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Abortion Part 2

I decided to let your comments keep coming over the past few weeks before engaging in the comment dialogue from my last post on abortion or posting a new blog for several reasons:
1. Several of you had a lot to say about this topic that was very engaging and I wanted to give the rest of our readers a chance to read and reflect upon your many comments.
2. The comments from the past two subjects (suicide and abortion) have far outweighed comments on any other topic besides “The DaVinci Code” series I did many months back.

So, as the activity has lessened over the past few days I’ve decided to move forward.

I’ve decided to frame this series with the “top ten” questions people have about abortion (we’ll see if I get to ten or not, but I thought I’d challenge myself a little). This may be too in depth for some of my readers who have made up their mind about abortion and find my engagement with the topic rather tedious. So, for you I have a deal to make: read my blogs on abortion over the next four to six weeks and I promise I’ll break up the monotony with some entries on different subjects that I hope you’ll read.

Here we go! These are the questions that I’ve heard, in no particular order about this difficult topic:

Question #1:
Who is responsible for life and death?

For those of you who read my blog series on suicide last month you’ll find that this question mirrors some of the comments I made regarding suicide but I feel strongly that any dialogue on the topic of abortion must address this question biblically.

If we look to our own American culture, we find several different views on who’s responsible for life and death. Dr. Kevorkian advocates that doctors should make the choice or that patients make the choice and doctors should allow them to choose when they die. Planned Parenthood advocates that mothers of unborn babies make the choice for their babies. So, who’s right?

We find some very clear passages from the Bible regarding life and death:
1 Samuel 2:6
The Lord kills and makes alive. He brings down to the grave and he brings up.
Exodus 20:13
You shall not murder. (One of the BIG TEN)

Abortion rights groups will be quick to pounce on this question. They will say, “No problem. We’ll let God choose when life ends. But, what we want to know is…when does life BEGIN?” They will then make the argument that a fetus isn’t a life; it’s a wad of tissue…a bundle of potential. If they’re right then there’s nothing more to say. We should stop the debate and side with former US Attorney General Josslyn Elder who said, “We really need to get over this love affair with the fetus.” If an unborn baby isn’t a living human being then, no big deal. But, again, if God actually weighed in on the question of when life begins then followers of Christ must place their own feelings, opinions, and leanings aside and submit to the Truth that we find in the Bible.

This post is getting lengthy and if I attempt to address the question, “When does life begin?” in this post it will be extremely lengthy. So, I’ll leave you with your own perspectives on when life begins until next time. If any of you are chomping at the bit though to answer this question then feel free to beat me to the punch and post a comment!

Until next time…
Carpe Deum! (Seize God!)
Todd Phillips

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Abortion Part 1

I’ve been surprised lately by the tremendous amount of time and effort we have put into launching Frontline Arlington. The effort has certainly bore fruit but a few of my weekly obligations have suffered as a result. For those who read my blogs regularly you know that my blogging falls in this category. But, I’m back on track and ready to tackle our next topic from a biblical perspective.

I sincerely appreciated the lively dialogue that our last topic – suicide – created among my readers. Several of you thought a great deal about the issue from a biblical perspective and several others shared their own experiences with the topic. I’m hoping for a similar response to our next subject…abortion.

Before I dive into our new subject though, I want to share my understanding of the Bible and its ability to provide truth for all cultures, all individuals, and all circumstances for all time. I believe the Bible contains God’s Truth rather than the opinion of men. The Bible doesn’t need to be modernized or sanitized. It doesn’t need to be watered down, propped up, or apologized for. It cannot be improved upon. The Bible has been the rock of truth for millions of people for thousands of years. I find comfort knowing that I have the Bible as my guide in dealing with yet another difficult subject. Having the Bible as my guide means I don’t have to come up with my own opinion based on experience, education or what someone told me. Instead we can rely on the Truth of God’s Word.

A short historical perspective is also needed here as a primer to our discussion. The date – March 6, 1857. Just before the Civil War in a pronouncement that would become known as the “dread Scott Decision,” an American court declared that black people were not legal persons. A quote form the courts records states “A slave is the property therefore of his or her owner. A slave can be bought and sold, used and even killed at the owner’s discretion. After all they are his property.” Remember those words.

Eleven years later after the Civil War, in 1868, the people of the United States voted to correct that terribly wicked law by adopting the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Amendments to the Constitution. From that point on, legal protection is afforded all living beings. Therefore, the problem of legal protection for all living beings has been guaranteed for all time. Right? Wrong.

A century later on January 22, 1973, the Supreme Court rules in Roe vs. Wade that unborn human beings are not legal persons. Therefore the unborn baby is the property of its human owner and thus can be killed at the owner request. Sound familiar?

To some of you this may sound a bit melodramatic. I could add that in the last 34 years since the court’s decision over 40 million babies have been aborted (that we know of) …1.5 million annually…4100 a day…180 an hour…12 since you started reading this blog.

Yet, none of these statistics mean anything if the court ruled correctly back in 1973 from a biblical perspective. If God’s Word agrees with the court’s perspective on unborn babies then anyone who calls himself or herself a follower of Christ must adjust his or her thinking and actions in life to be in line with biblical Truth. If, however, the Truth of the Bible stands in opposition to the law of the land then we are to submit to God’s Truth regardless of man’s perspective, governmental or personal.

So, here’s the question – regardless of what position you take on the issue of abortion, what Biblical defense do you have for your position? Remember – and this is essential – as a Christ-follower our sole guide for word and deed in the Bible. Our opinions, perspectives, likes and dislikes ultimately bow to the eternal Truth of Scripture. So, regardless of what we would choose if we were God, we must alter and mold our words and actions to the truth of God’s Word, not alter God’s Word to fit our opinions.

So, the stage is yours. I’ll be back in a few days to continue my series on this emotionally charged topic. Until then…

Carpe Deum! (Seize God!)
Todd Phillips

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Frontline and the Media

All I have to say is…Wow! (That’s not all I have to say…but, well…you know what I mean. Below is the other stuff I have to say.)

I haven’t had ANY time to blog over the past week because we just launched Frontline Arlington, a new campus of Frontline that meets every Monday night in Arlington. You can read about it at the following link –

Most of you know that we just finished a three part blog series on the topic of suicide. Many of you got involved in the discussion and provided some very valuable insight! I hope you will all consider engaging in our next blog series on abortion. I know this topic will be even more challenging for many than the topic of suicide. I’ll begin that blog series Wednesday of this week (2/7).

Today though, I want to make sure every one of you is able to read several articles that have come out in several local papers!

The first article came out on the FRONTPAGE of the Washington Times last Monday, January 29th, 2007! You can read the article by clicking on the following link – Washington Times Article.

The second article came out this morning (2/4) on the FRONTPAGE of the Washington Times. The article is available at the following link – Washington Post Article.

Both articles are relatively even-handed and, most importantly, expose us to more and more young adults in the D.C. area.

I have a suggestion: Send this blog to a few of your friends who you have invited to Frontline in the past and also to others who you’ve been thinking about inviting. This is a great way to get them more information about Frontline Arlington via the link at top. Through the articles they can also get some idea of what we are trying to accomplish in Washington, especially with young adults.

I say it all the time, but I’ll say it again – I’m honored and humbled to be serving along side each one of you in our mission to impact our generation in secular Washington with the message of Jesus!

Carpe Deum! (Seize God!)
Todd Phillips

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Suicide Part Three

First, I know several of you have commented with very good questions regarding the topic of suicide. What I’ve decided to do is post my third and final blog on the topic and then delve into your questions via responses to your comments in the comment section…make sense?

Now, let’s review what we’ve learned so far:
1) God is in charge of life and death
2) Suicide is the most extreme act of UNBELIEF
3) Suicide is NOT the unpardonable sin

Then I wrote the obvious dilemma we face:
There are NO THEOLOGICAL GROUNDS to deny a Christian who commits suicide the effects of the death and the resurrection of Jesus Christ FOR SINNERS. And yet we CANNOT ENCOURAGE OR CONDONE SUICIDE in principle.

What does a reader do then if he or she is thinking about suicide or know of someone who is seriously contemplating suicide?

For the reader does not consider themselves a Christian and is having suicidal thoughts:
Give God a chance! Bottom line - if you have tried everything but God, try God! I know this might sound foolish in the midst of the despair and hopelessness you must feel to consider ending the life that God has given you, but God says Himself that He is the only source of true hope. God tells us in the Bible that as a Christ-follower you can live by faith that rests on “the hope of eternal life, which God, who does not lie, promised before the beginning of time…” (Titus 1:2) If you don’t yet have a relationship in Jesus then you have been living without a hope that can sustain you through the worst of life’s circumstances! You can start a relationship with Jesus right now – really! One of the best explanations of how to start a relationship with God is found at the following link - I sincerely hope you’ll consider putting your faith in God through His Son, Jesus Christ. You were born into this world for one eternal purpose – to know God personally and enjoy Him forever.

For the reader who is a follower of Christ and is having suicidal thoughts:
You do not own your life! I beg you to understand that you are thinking of killing a life that now belongs to another, namely God. Satan wants you dead, don’t let him win. Tell someone your secret thoughts and tell them NOW! There are other Christ-followers whom you can speak to right now at the Christian Suicide Hotline - - (714) 639-4673 OR 1-800-SUICIDE.

For the reader who knows another person who has talked about committing suicide:
Write down the numbers I wrote above. If there is a very serious and immediate threat call 911. IT IS BETTER TO HAVE THAT PERSON ANGRY AT YOU FOR LIFE than for them to move forward with their plans to end their life.

I know this doesn’t answer some of the specific questions that many of you have left in the comments section. But, I hope this will provide direction for you regardless of your specific circumstances. Please look to the comments in the coming days for my responses to some of your specific questions!

Until then…
Carpe Deum! (Seize God!)
Todd Phillips

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Suicide part Two

In this second post on suicide I want to review the first point I made from the Bible regarding suicide:

1) God is in charge of life and death

The Bible says - - -
1 Samuel 2:6
The Lord kills and makes alive. He brings down to the grave and he brings up.
Exodus 20:13
You shall not murder. (One of the BIG TEN)

If you want to read or reread the entire blog just go back to my post from January 14th.

The second point that I believe need to be addressed is:

2) Suicide is the most extreme act of UNBELIEF

Suicide is the most extreme expression of unbelief in the sense that the act betrays a lack of faith in God’s omniscience and omnipresence. God makes it clear to the believer that he is in control of everything that happens to us or around us. He expresses this in many areas of Scripture but a perfect example of this is Psalms 139. We find that God is everywhere and in charge of everything. He has been intimately involved in our lives since he knit each of us together in our mother’s womb. We learn that each and every day of our lives has been marked out for us before one of them came to be. He also reminds us that “…everything that does not come from faith is sin. (Romans 14:23b)

We are faced with the reality that the act of suicide (a fatal act of self-destruction undertaken with conscience intent) ignores God’s eternal and absolute authority over life and death and is arguably the most extreme act of unbelief available to man. This is, at least in part why the Roman Catholic Church categorically condemns suicide and further claims that the act of suicide rules out the possibility of repentance and therefore forgiveness.

Yet, the Catholic view of suicide as the unpardonable sin comes from an erroneous belief that a believer can somehow lose one’s salvation. Many times I will hear it explained this way, “If someone lies while driving a car and then dies in a car accident immediately after lying (sinning) then that person is condemned to Hell because they did not ask for forgiveness for lying. In the same way, the Catholic will argue, it is impossible for a person to commit suicide and then ask for forgiveness for the simple fact that they are dead and no longer able to repent. This line of reasoning is one of the most dangerous and faulty misrepresentations of biblical truth. This leads me to my third point:

3) Suicide is NOT the unpardonable sin

Our salvation rests not in our ability to repent for every sin throughout the day but solely on the finished work of Christ on the Cross. Jesus made clear that His work of redemption for all mankind was “finished” (John 19:30) and further that His “grace is sufficient” (2 Corinthians 12:9) to cover ALL of our sins. We also know that our very salvation is actually not possessed by us at all but in fact it is kept in heaven for us until Christ comes again. Read this beautiful passage in 1 Peter:
3 Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, 4 and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade—kept in heaven for you, 5 who through faith are shielded by God’s power until the coming of the salvation that is ready to be revealed in the last time.

To everyone I ask – how can one loose something that is not in ones possession to begin with? I know there will be some who have great difficulty with the true extent of God’s grace through the atoning work of Christ on the Cross but their difficulty with this truth does not change its wonderful truthfulness.

So, here we are with a horrible and perplexing dilemma:
We have no biblical grounds for denying the grace and forgiveness of God through Jesus Christ to a believer who commits suicide anymore than we can deny God’s grace to a believer who commits adultery. Yet, we clearly cannot condone or encourage suicide in principle. Where does this leave us?

Your thoughts over the past few days have been extremely insightful to me and other readers and many of you have decided to join in the discussion. I applaud your involvement. Some of you have chosen to email me privately about your views or questions as well. For those who have chosen to do so, please consider responding publicly via comments posted directly to the blog. Your private emails will be a valuable addition to the public discourse and we’ll all be the better for your involvement!

I’ll post my final blog on this topic in the next few days.

Until then…
Carpe Deum! (Seize God!)

Todd Phillips

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Suicide Part One

For those of you who have been waiting patiently for me to start posting my series on difficult subjects that I introduced under the post “Politics and Theology,” the time has come! I’m going to start with a topic that isn’t considered a political hotbed topic directly – suicide. Of course, if you take into account the infamous Terri Schiavo Case, the issue presents itself indirectly as a political issue. I want to remind my readers that I’m only going to delve into these issues from a biblical worldview, using the Bible as my source of information and insight. Conversely, I’m NOT going to debate the ramifications of the biblical perspective on these issues. For those of us who follow Christ, we are obligated to submit our own perspectives, ideologies, and philosophies to the eternal truth of the Bible. The Bible, then, molds our worldview, not politics, family, or culture.

One other note – as we delve into these different topics, it’s become clear that I’ll have to post several blogs on each subject in order to give them the attention they deserve. So, if you get to the end of a post and think you know where I’m going with my next post – think again. I think it’s only fair to make you all aware that I may end a post on a proverbial cliffhanger in order to make us all think more critically about a given topic.

With that said…here we go!

First, let’s define suicide so that we are all on the same page:
Suicide – A fatal act of self-destruction undertaken with conscience intent.

Thirty eight thousand such acts happen each year in the United States. Interestingly, most of them are elderly although teens and young adults who take their own life get the most press.

Now, what suicide in NOT:
1. A man who dies in a hurricane because he ignored a radio warning.
2. Careless person who overdoses on a medication.
3. Woman who jumps from a burning building.
4. A motorcyclist who dies from head injuries who was not wearing a helmet.

There are many reasons for suicide such as:
1. Depression caused by the death of a loved one (some religious people believe that they will be reunited with their loved one if they take their own lives).
2. Clinical depression
3. Loosing out on the corporate “rat” race – real or imagined.
4. Some elderly commit suicide so they can have “death with dignity.”
There are countless other reasons and/or a combination of reasons for people to take their own lives.

What makes this issue more difficult to discuss from an evangelical (biblically conservative) point of view is that there is debate among conservative theological leaders about this topic. Here are just a few quotes from evangelicals regarding suicide:
- “You could lose your soul by committing suicide, so it's better to simply play it safe and trust God to make you happier. I lean to the idea that most, if not all, cases of suicide lead to damnation. I wouldn't bet on anyone going to heaven who committed suicide. I think the odds are against the person.” (Tom Brown, pastor)
- “Even if a person’s earthly life has become a torment to him, he must commit it intact into God’s hand, from which it came.” (Dietrich Bonhoeffer, famous German theologian)
- “Suicide is wrong, nut it is not the unpardonable sin.” (William Hendricks)
- “Suicide denies that our life is dependent on God for its sustenance and survival.” (Ray Anderson)

Now that we have the preliminary information out of the way, I want to end this post by putting forth my first point:

1) God is in charge of life and death

The Bible says - - -
1 Samuel 2:6
The Lord kills and makes alive. He brings down to the grave and he brings up.
Exodus 20:13
You shall not murder. (One of the BIG TEN)

These are just a few of the many passages that make certain the truth that God alone is in charge of life and of death. He gives life and is the only one who has the right to take it away. Each and every human being is made in God’s image and God sees any act of murder or suicide (murder of self) to be an affront to His very image.

I don’t think there will be any surprise at the following statement:
Suicide is a sin.

But, some of the biggest questions that come from the mouths of Christ-followers are:
“Is suicide the unpardonable sin?”
“Do people who commit suicide go to Hell even if they are Christians?”
“Is it even possible for a Christian to commit suicide?”

We’ll look at these questions and others in my next post.
In the meantime – for my more involved readers – I’d like to have some of you post passages that speak to the issue of God’s utter authority over life and death.

Carpe Deum! (Seize God!)
Todd Phillips

Friday, January 12, 2007

Vision Frontline 2007

Dear Frontline Family,

Each year as I work on my vision message, I realize how privileged I am to serve as Teaching Pastor for such a vibrant and passionate family of young adults. This year has been no different. I firmly believe that God has brought each of us here in this unique, exciting time to serve His purposes in the Washington, DC area and around the world for His name’s sake.

I am writing to ask you to clear your schedule to join in celebration and to hear the vision for 2007 this Sunday night at either 5:30 or 7:30 at Frontline. It will be a time to remember what has happened over the past twelve years as a ministry in one location. It will be a time to pray for the hundreds of Frontliners who have decided to step out in faith and move to the Arlington campus. It will be a time to acknowledge the power and passion of our God and the things He has called us to do!

You don’t want to miss Sunday night. Some of the most remarkable things that God is doing through Frontline will be announced.

One of these announcements deals directly with poverty and injustice issues around the world and is the culmination of years of prayer by many Frontliners. As Christ followers, we have both the responsibility and the answer for the world in need, as we spread the Gospel through word and deed. I’m truly excited to announce this historic first for our church family!

The second part of my vision message is a challenge to each Christ-follower who calls Frontline home. I’ll challenge you with a personal assignment for the coming year. It has nothing to do with money, service, or extra time at the church. It has everything to do with your investment in relationships with unchurched people in Washington. You’ll be challenged, excited, and maybe even a little uncomfortable – but, those of us who commit to this challenge will mature in our faith and will impact secular Washington with the message of Jesus Christ!

I also want to celebrate God’s work in and through Frontline in 2006, and then take a faith-filled look at what God is planning for us in 2007 – including the launch of Frontline Arlington.

Vision casting messages are important and shape the life of our church in significant ways. In July’s vision message I announced that MBC was moving forward with plans to go to a multi-campus strategy and that Frontline would launch our first campus in Arlington. Just six months later the vision has become a reality! Our first Frontline Arlington Service is Monday, January 22, 2007 at 7:30PM at the Rosslyn Spectrum Theater!

I hope you will come this Sunday to hear the 2007 Frontline Vision message. We have all been brought together as young adults by God for such a time as this!

Your servant for His sake,
Todd Phillips

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Barriers to Spiritual Growth Bonus Blog!

As promised, my post today focuses on the “bonus points” I promised to those who attended Frontline this past Sunday, January 7, 2007. The title of the message was “Barriers to Spiritual Growth.” If you were unable to attend Frontline last Sunday and you’d like to hear or download the message from the internet, just click on the following link – Barriers to Spiritual Growth (Currently at the top of the media archives list).

The two barriers to spiritual growth I find often in the lives of Frontliners who are genuinely trying to get their relationship with God on the “right track” are: 1) Wrong motives for following Jesus, and 2) Emotions trumping the Bible as their source for spiritual Truth. There is a third area that is not so prevalent as the two above, but would still merit the number three spot on the list of most common barriers – Lack of knowledge as to the vastness and depth of Christ’s love for His children!

About a year ago, at the end of one of my messages (can’t remember which one) I asked people to reads along with me as I read the statements from what I called “The Truth Card.” Each person was given their own Truth Card (about the size of a business card) and on it were the following truths:

PROPITIATION - we are deeply loved !
John 3:16
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son,
JUSTIFICATION - we are totally forgiven !
2 Corinthians 5:21
God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.
RECONCILIATION - we are totally accepted !
Colossians 1:22
But now he has reconciled you by Christ’s physical body through death to present you holy in his sight, without blemish and free from accusation.
REGENERATION - we are complete in Christ !
2 Corinthians 5:17
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!

For some believers, they are unable to find greater intimacy with God because they have never been told exactly how God feels toward them as his children. We can’t respond rightly toward God and others until we grasp just how extreme the love of God is toward those who believe.

Ponder for a moment…you are deeply loved, totally forgiven, totally accepted, and complete in Christ! Nothing is required from you as a child of God to receive this kind of unconditional love and acceptance from Him. Any shortcoming you perceive in your family background, financial worth, popularity, or decisions in life is utterly inconsequential when it comes to God’s love toward you as one of His children.

I hope these “bonus points” pierce the hearts of those of you who desperately need to understand just “how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge – that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.” (Ephesians 3:18-19) I pray that God will open your spiritual eyes to see and your spiritual ears to hear and accept the wonderful truth of God’s unconditional love. These are the truths that lead to freedom and abundance in the life of the believer.

Read these truths again.
Reflect on the unconditional nature of each truth.
Pray and thank God for loving you in such a profound way.
Ask God to help you live your life based on these truths rather than the lies that we all hear from the world.
Live free.
Live abundantly!

Carpe Deum! (Seize God!)
Todd Phillips

Friday, January 05, 2007

Theology and Politics

I often talk to people who believe that “theologically conservative” has some connection to “politically conservative.” Other will marry theological and political liberalism. These connections simply do not exist as a matter of course.

A theological conservative is someone who believes in a literal interpretation of the Bible, accepts the miracles of the Bible as historical fact, and believes that biblical principles apply to the lives of Christians regardless of cultural norms at any given time or in any given society. A theological liberal on the other hand does not see the Bible as the infallible Word of God, denies miracles in the Bible, and believes that many interpretations can come from a given passage of Scripture and further, that we should apply biblical insight in light of our current cultural norms.

Political conservatives historically favor “traditional” values and a strong military, while political liberals historically see “liberty” (or individual rights) as their primary political value. In recent times, conservatives argue for less government interference in the free market economy while liberal argue for more governmental involvement to “protect the individual.” I can go on and on about the differences but my point is this: conservatism means something completely different from a theological perspective than it does from a political perspective. The same goes for liberalism from both perspectives.

This is an incredibly important distinction for all of us to understand. I talk to many young adults in D.C. who believe that if they are theologically conservative then they must adhere to politically conservative ideology (same assumptions for young adults who are theological liberals). Big mistake! “Conservatism” and “liberalism” mean to completely different things when applied to theology and politics. I’ve often argued that we, in the church, should come up with our own terms instead of borrowing political terms that have been around for centuries (theological “liberalism” only came about in the last century and a half). But, until someone bothers to do this there will be continued misunderstandings, continued confusion in terms, and continued numbers of young adult Christians developing a grossly inaccurate “political theology” or theological politic” – you pick the term you like best.

So, you want to understand these four terms? The quickest way to get a cursory understanding of each is to click on the hyperlinks above and read the wikipedia articles on each subject. These articles are not infallible and have some errors and inconsistencies in them but none that will cause more damage to you as a believer than having little or no understanding of the ideological differences between the terms.

You might be thinking, “Todd, why is this such a big deal?” My answer lies in keeping the Gospel and the Word of God pure and undefiled by the philosophies and ideologies of men. Jude warns the church, “Dear friends, although I was very eager to write to you about the salvation we share, I felt I had to write and urge you to contend for the faith that was once for all entrusted to the saints.” (Jude 3) The “faith” written about here is the doctrines or Christianity that have been entrusted to us as believers. Are responsibility is to pass it on to the next generation untainted by worldly philosophies. This is exactly what I fear happens in our national capital of Washington, D.C.

As young adults we must take ownership of the terms we use when describing ourselves and others. We must take responsibility for using language correctly so we don’t get dragged into erroneous thinking and debate. In Washington this is especially paramount. I’m also going to be taking on some issues over the next several months in my blog that will require you to understand at least the basic differences between these four terms; issues like abortion, capital punishment, and suicide.

So, for some of us the next few months will be very challenging, but I believe worth the time spent. Read the blogs. Reflect on the issues. Leave comments for others to read on my blog. Let’s create a lively and productive dialogue that ends with all of us being biblically wiser for the effort.

Until then…
Carpe Deum! (Seize God!)

Todd Phillips