Saturday, April 07, 2007

Lead Now/Fusion Conference

I’ve talked about the following conference from the stage at Frontline over the past few weeks but I wanted to give you some more detailed info about it. The name of the conference is Lead Now. It starts on Thursday May 3rd and ends on Saturday May 5th. I’m asking all Frontliners who are in any leadership role to attend the entire conference. Lead Now is the only leadership training that we will offer for Frontline at large because we believe it’s the best training available in 2007 for Frontline leaders. Your time at this conference will be very fruitful. The details are below. Please be sure to go to the Lead Now Conferences web site to get all the info: (BUT DON’T REGISTER ON THE LEAD NOW SITE! WE HAVE VERY DISCOUNTED TICKETS ON OUR FRONTLINE SITE…INFO ON REGISTRATION IS BELOW.)

What: Lead Now Leaders Conference
When: May 3-5, 2007
Where: McLean Bible Church
Why: Leadership Training for young adult church leaders
How: Keynote and breakout sessions on a myriad of relevant topics
Cost: $99 for Fronliners ONLY (regular price is $299); register at (in “Features” section)
Web site:
IMPORTANT: If you register for Lead Now, you are also automatically registered for the Fusion Experience described below.

I know many of you are not currently in leadership. For you, there is a special Fusion Experience starting Friday Evening May 4 and ending Saturday May 5. I’d love to see all Frontliners at this part of the event. The Fusion Experience details are below. Please be sure to go to the Fusion Conferences site to gat all the info: (BUT DON’T REGISTER ON THE LEAD NOW SITE! WE HAVE VERY DISCOUNTED TICKETS ON OUR FRONTLINE SITE…INFO ON REGISTRATION IS BELOW.)

What: Fusion Experience
When: May 4-5, 2007
Where: McLean Bible Church
Why: Learn how to ignite your faith into action for God
How: Keynote, breakout session and worship times
Cost: $20 for Frontliners ONLY (regular price is $49); register at (in “Features” section)

As a leader at Frontline, if you are unable to get time off from work to attend the entire Lead Now conference please pray about attending the Fusion experience! If you have any questions about the conferences please respond to this blog or email me directly at Let’s learn together how God wants each of us to change the world for one last time!


Mark Batterson said...


Great session on Saturday. Thanks for the challenge. Glad we at least got to touch base for a few. Look forward to future connections.


Anonymous said...

Ok, it's been a month since you last blogged!